Wednesday, 21 October 2009


Check my photobucket album...
Rose, The Legend of Dragoon (cosplay progress album)

The wearing will be done this weekend. ;-)

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Here's the sword. It's just about finished. Just a bit of touching up to do and varnishing, then it's done.
1.) Side view
2.) Topside
3.) Underside

And here's the reference picture for comparison - ... 1255899710

Friday, 16 October 2009

Sword updates & Starting to get the look

Here is a reference picture of Rose's sword (half of the pictures still seem to get cut off when I try and display them on here). ... sword1.jpg

1.) Top of sword hood (undercoated)

2.) Underside of sword hood (undercoated)

3.) Whole sword (undercoated)

Also, here are a few of how the armour skirt "thing" and the tunic/leggings look together. Please note my camera on my phone is inconsistent with colours in varying levels of light.

1.) From the back

2.) From the front (a bit blurry and the front of the skirt "thing" isn't attached as you can see I'm wearing hotpants underneath - and I also will be wearing them at the expo - and please excuse the small amount of the relatively "large" amount of untidiness in my room that's visible)

3.) From the side (yes, I am leaning a bit and I've already been told it looks a little weird)

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Getting there, but I'm still worried...

Getting there now with Rose...
1.) Leggings
2.) Finished tunic
3.) Wearing the tunic (+ gloves and wig)
4.) Wearing the armour skirt

Damn I hope this is going to fit together and look right. The combination of papiermache and fabric concerns me.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

The tunic and a little peek at the cosmetics...
1) Tunic and wig (top still not decorated yet).

2.) Work on the facial cosmetics.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Leggings, tunic and a bit of sword progress

More updates! Leggings and the top + the sword this time.
Please note, the colours look different as the picture of the top was taken in my room and the one of the leggings was outside. They are, however, made from the same sheet of material. The material is a tad too light for the armour, so it's going to be dyed a bit darker.

1.) Leggings (not yet decorated). These will be worn without the black leggings on. I'll have them on bare legged (with the exception of socks).

2.) Tunic (not yet decorated - but looks the right colour in THAT light).

3.) Sword progress (Hood and handle).

Friday, 18 September 2009

Getting there

Here are few update photos.

1.) The Collage (It's not ALL of the armour, but it's most of it. Still need to more painting and varnishing though).
2.) Armour mini skirt (close up detail).
3.) Sword progress (finally! I have my dad to thank for this).